Jack Pavlik
Minneapolis, MN
Residency: June-July 2016
Project Descripton
At Sculpture Space I developed ideas and techniques related to my ideas regarding institutional furniture. Furniture with its physical history and symbolic qualities has become a sculptural material that I combine and embed with ideas regarding the social and cognitive behavior of groups and individuals.
While at the residency I developed work for an exhibition at the Soap Factory in Minneapolis. I combined sculpted biomorphic forms to appropriated furniture to comment on the relationship of the individual in institutional environments. The objects become figurative sculpture and at the same time landscapes that the viewer considers in their relationship to institutional experiences.
Sculpture Space was a dynamic refuge from my usual surroundings. Having a private studio in a new environment gave me time to investigate new ideas and techniques in the creation of sculpture and resolving ideas related to my work.
About the Artist
Jack Pavlik is a graduate of the Minneapolis College of Art and Design MFA program (2012). Prior to his graduate studies, Jack was a working artist creating kinetic sculpture with numerous local and international exhibitions. Jack has been a participant at the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, 2012 Joan Mitchell MFA Grantee, and a resident artist at the Helsinki International Artist Program in 2014.