Corona Cohort 2020
Corona Cohort 2020
An empty studio
Corona Cohort 2020
A different perspective
Corona Cohort 2020 (A cohort without the artist)
Adjacent lot coming in bloom
Corona Cohort 2020 - permaculture garden Joe Pizzo
Maiko Sugano - Japan
Corona Cohort 2020 - Winter cohort new addition to Sculpture Space Grounds “Beyond The Gates”
Maiko Sugano - Japan - details
Corona Cohort 2020 - created from a fallen tree from a block from the studio.

Beyond The Gates (Miako Sugano 2020)
Studio Manager
George Hendrickson working on new additions to the residence halls.
Liu Yuan (at work)
- the longest cohort - Februrary 1- May 12 -2020

Pablo Andino - contemplating next steps.
- the longest cohort - Februrary 1- May 12 -2020
A different perspective
Corona Cohort 2020
A different perspective
Corona Cohort 2020
John Melvin- sculpture details
A different perspective
Corona Cohort 2020
Dr. Jonathan Blancaflor
Board member assisting in work during downtime from the panademic.
A different perspective
Corona Cohort 2020
A different perspective (the shop)
Corona Cohort 2020
A different perspective the shop
Corona Cohort 2020
A different persepctive
Niko & Lut (summer 2019) onsite
A different perspective
Corona Cohort 2020 Spire of Tires
Corona Cohort 2020
Tree of 40 Fruits
Corona Cohort 2020